Dr. Josiah Way is the Director of Learning Environments at the University of Southern California and 2019 AV Professional of the Year. Joe is a highly sought keynote speaker, ed tech thought leader, and writer, known for designing the technology standard for hybrid instruction. Joe serves as the Cofounder and Chair of HETMA, the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance, and Editor-in-Chief of Higher Ed AV Media. He is the author of the bestselling book, Producing Worship, and monthly Business of AV column, as well as serving on multiple audiovisual-industry and higher education advisory boards. Joe has over 30 years’ experience in education, technical production and the arts, and organizational leadership and management. Joe’s current research is in integrating augmented reality, blockchain, and the metaverse into learning space design for improved equity, accessibility, and sustainability. Over his career, Dr. Way has received diverse awards in the areas of education, the arts, and business.